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A Pile of Sweaters


Eye Movement
Reprocessing and Desensitization

Let’s think about your problem as a sweater.  It’s an annoying, itchy, heavy sweater that you don’t want to wear anymore.  It doesn’t, and never really did, make you feel good. 

The process of EMDR is like detangling this sweater.  We identify an issue you’d like to work on.  Example “I want to have better relationships.  I keep dating the same person over and over again and I’m afraid I’ll be single forever”.  Great!  We’ve identified a ‘thread” that we’d like to detangle with the EMDR process.  As we reprocess this issue, aka the thread, you get more insight into what you believe about yourself in terms of this issue,  how you think about it and how this issue influences your behavior in the present. You discover the origins of the issue and how the thoughts connected to it have been running beneath the surface of your consciousness.  The EMDR process pulls this thread (aka reprocesses the issue) and the sweater begins to unravel.  The more it unravels, the better you feel.  You start to see your life from a new, more powerful perspective.  You begin to see how some of your thoughts about yourself were never true, yet held you back.  Together we can create new thoughts and beliefs.

EMDR is not a “quick fix” necessarily.  I absolutely believe it has faster and more positive results than regular talk therapy. EMDR works with images, memories and even body sensations to get to the root of the problem faster than talk therapy.  If my clients have difficulty connecting to EMDR, I gently guide them through the process.  I believe in helping my clients discover their unique way of reprocessing their material, so they can achieve their best results.    


EMDR: Text
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